BookLetters – New Feature – Series Information

Look at the wonderful new feature BookLetters now has – Series Lists!

When a book is part of a series a button will appear under the bookjacket.  Selecting it will bring the patron a list of all the books in the series in the order in which they are written.  How cool is that?

Check it out –

61 Hours

61 Hours
By Child, Lee
2010-05 – Delacorte Press
14th book in Jack Reacher series
BookPage Notable Title

‘New York Times’-bestselling author Lee Child’s latest thriller is a ticking time bomb of suspense that builds electric tension on every page. A bus accident lands Jack Reacher in a small South Dakota town, where a single witness is the only hope police have to convict a brutal crime ring. Reacher is enlisted to protect the witness against all comers. …More